Introduction: Knex Vector (Kriss Super V)
Well, what can I say? I have been working on this for the last couple of months and recently started modifying the heck out of it. It went from looking kinda like a Vector to being almost a carbon copy. I guess this intro isn't as biased as my other ones. If you want to see the history and development go to the forum topic located at
I will just get into stats:
Range: Untested
Fire Rate: ~1 round a second without aiming, ~ 1 round every 1.5 seconds with aiming
Magazine: 15-20 round removable type, holds grey connectors
Reload time: ~ 5 seconds
I feel it is Really accurate to the real one
Fast fire rate
Comfortable handle
Nice dot sight
Stock feels nice
Foregrip is real sturdy
Was unsturdy near midsection during firing, havent tested it after moding it, but I feel that I fixed it
Most likely has short range, it might surprize me though
Really hard to take apart, so the Instructable is going to be annoying
Magazine holder/release takes away from the accuracy (looks) of the gun
Instructable not happening... pictures of internal mechanics added for those who wish to give it a go themselves.