Introduction: Knex Very Powerful Weapons

I know these may not look like much but these are actually short range throwing sticks.
They come in several different sizes and are very powerful.
They all can break through paper.
Pic#1 The sizes.
Pic#2-6 Attachments to increase power.
Pic#7 Damage report, with like 5 throws of each stick this is what happened.

Step 1: Construction

To assemble the throwing sticks you need a 1 of each size rod and any connector. Here is an example.
For the example i used a Gray rod and a Yellow connector.
Pic#1 The pieces.
Pic#2 To connect the pieces hover the gray rod above the connector's middle slot and push down.

Step 2: Damage Report.

With a couple throws of each stick this is what it can do to paper so as you see very strong.

Step 3: Final Project

Your done! now have some fun and i am not liable for damage you do to others.