Introduction: Knex Videogame Holder

About: Name is Kyle. JUST MOVED TO UK! :D I love Knex, Minecraft, CoD, and Legos. I wish you the gassiest beans, and the beaniest gas! -Gassybeans
This is a quick, but sturdy holder for your xbox, ps3, ps2, ps1, oh you get the point....... games. This prolly takes about 3 minutes or less to make, so get those k'nex and have some fun!

Step 1: How to Make....

pic 1. Get these pieces. There should be:
 - 4 red connectors
- 2 orange connectors
- 2 dark grey connectors
- 3 yellow rods
- 2 green rods
- 1 white rod
pic 2. make two of theses
pic 3. shown here
pic 4. add a yellow rod to each
pic 8. attatch to the base
pic 9. add the grey connectors
pic 10. congrats! your done!
pic 11. i made a bunch of them for my xbox games, doesnt it look so organized??