Introduction: K'nex Car (mini)

About: Hello I am Devin, A.K.A Jingo69. I am a student, lover of cars, K'nex/Lego, and art. I mostly post K'nex car creations but plan to post other ideas in future too! …

This is my knex mini! I will soon make instructions for it, it is a great little derby car as it is REALY strong, some of the body kit is made so that it obsorbs the impact. and aswell as that it does look quite alot like a mini. And sorry if there are any spelling mistakes (I was only 12 years old ) here is more information about it...

pro's 15

looks like a mini
has an interior with dials
has a modifyed mini v6 engine
boot with lots of space
moving seats
escape roof
original white mini roof
with a matching white floor
opening doors (you HAVE TO )open it with handle
suspension that can be moterized (in real life it is front wheel drive)
the seats can be lowered or raised

con's 3

4 seater mod will take up more seats and seats probably wont move
The back end shape is not perfect
Basic suspension

the stats (out of 5)
features ***** 5
the looks **** 4
durability *** 3