Introduction: Knex Portable Hard Drive Stand
here I am whit an "Knex portable hard drive stand".
The sand is made for 2 hard drives but you can upgrade it to 4, 6 hard drives and than you have a HDD tower!
Supports: HDD of 2,5inch (lacie, Ipro, Western Digital, ...)
I'ts easy to make it!
Step 1: Make the Support!
Making the supports is an inportant step! make 2 of it!
Step 2: Power Suports!
make this things once
Step 3: Assembely: Support and Power Suport
Step 4: Put It Together
First: add 6 yellow rods to the 6 blue connectors
!!! make sure that the support whit the blue power support is the bottom !!!
Second: connect the yellow rods whit the blue connectors on the top!
!!! make sure that the support whit the blue power support is the bottom !!!
Second: connect the yellow rods whit the blue connectors on the top!
Step 5: Wiring and Add an HDD on the Stand
So the last step!!! wiring is so easy!!! follow the red triangular connectors! you need to put your wire to 6 connectors and then to the pc!
Step 6: Upgrade!
if yo got more than 2 HDD you can upgrade to an HDD tower.
How: add 4 green rods on the top of the stand and connect the green rods to an other stand!
How: add 4 green rods on the top of the stand and connect the green rods to an other stand!