Introduction: K'nex 'semi Pump Action' Gun

About: Hey there. I won't add too much info here, as it'll show up as one big paragraph. I'm not super active anymore, on here.
Hi there. I made this gun today, and wanted to show it. It is a repeater (it shoots), and reloads the bullets from a tubular magazine underneath the barrel. With semi pump action, I mean that you  have to cock the pin manually, but you chamber the bullets via a pump. I had this idea a long time ago (a very bad prototype is on Mahmel's orange board), and decided to do it again.
I hope you like it, and please comment. Help is also appreciated, as it isn't near perfect yet.
It holds 3 bullets (in the video that's coming up soon, I only used 1, as I didn't cut the needed y-connector correctly
Update 1: 
- Cut a y connector in a special way, makes the feeding much smoother (this one was also needed on Bakenbitz's original mech)
- Made the barrel 1 connector longer, and added some sort of hop-up
- Different stock
- Different barrel internals. Bullets don't become stock anymore

- Bakenbitz for his lever action gun. I used the bullet ramp in a modified way, to incorporate the pump.
- Killerk, for the idea of the hop-up (inspired by this add-on on his Z35)

Video of the new update: