Introduction: Knex Supercar With Mods! **Spoiler Angle**Brake System With Pics**

About: Retired here
This is my supercar wih mods. the original car was made by Imperar .

I've made:
- wing doors.
- A convertible roof.
- A big spoiler.
- The steer on the left.
- A big rocket booster.
- Towing system ( )
- I' ve made better decals.(not much changed ony some parts added)

- Spoiler angle system added.
I've added a handle to change the angle of the spoiler, pics wil come later!
P.S.: I've made this in august:-)

Future plans:
trunk (That will be in conflict with the convertible roof and the spoiler so I'm trying to figure out.)
better convertible roof.
more decals and sporty things.