Introduction: Knex Grenade
I have just built this grenade, it is my second instructable you can access my first instructable here
if you can make this better then tell me. you can make it look more realistic if you get a two way connector and take a blue rod and connect them together then stick the rod in the hole at the top.
if you can make this better then tell me. you can make it look more realistic if you get a two way connector and take a blue rod and connect them together then stick the rod in the hole at the top.
Step 1: The Parts
you will need:
8 yellow rods
16 red corner connectors
2 snowflake connectors
2/3 rubberbands
when putting things inside the grenade don't put in rods as they will just fall out
i have just used orange connectors, snowflake connectors and half circle connectors
8 yellow rods
16 red corner connectors
2 snowflake connectors
2/3 rubberbands
when putting things inside the grenade don't put in rods as they will just fall out
i have just used orange connectors, snowflake connectors and half circle connectors
Step 2: Building It
you will build the grenade
make as many of these as you want and rate it
if i get at least 3 and a half stars then i will post my current project.
make as many of these as you want and rate it
if i get at least 3 and a half stars then i will post my current project.