Introduction: Knex Light Cannon V1.0
Check out my new gun. Shoots over 120ft. Please comment and rate. Warning-video takes a long time to load and it is my old version. I am not liable for any damage you cause with this. It can do physical harm and will break objects in the house including the knex pieces.
Step 1: The Trigger
Follow the pictures
Step 2: The Body
That long part that connects the bow to the trigger. Feel free to make it longer or shorter.
Step 3: The Bow
The part that holds the rubberbands.
Step 4: The Rubberbands
Follow the pictures. Try it first with three on each string and if that is too small use four.
Step 5: The Stand
It is at about 30 degrees. When the bullet hits the ground over 100ft away it still has enough force to hurt.
Step 6: Putting It All Together
YAY. The best step.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!
Step 7: The Ammo
This is a list of all of the ammo I have tried and some basic stats about each. Distances (D) are by feet, piercing (P) is in layers of cardboard, and weight (W) is in grams.