Introduction: Knex Gun

About: I am nerfguy109 on youtube
A powerful knex gun. If you use about 3 rubber bands it can dent a wall

Step 1: Make the Firing Mechinisim

1.Make this x2
2.Make this
3.Make this
4.Put them together

Step 2: Make the Handle

1.Make this x2
2.Make this x3
3.Do this
4.Do this
5.Put them together
6.Another view

Step 3: Make the Barrel

1.Make this
2.Make this
3.Make this
4.Put them together
5.Put these together

Step 4: Putting the Gun Together

1.Put the handle on the barrel
2Put this part on

Step 5: Where to Put the Rubber Bands

1.Put one on the firing wheel
2.Put one on the trigger
3.Another view

Fire by loading a yellow connector on top of the red wheel stopper