Introduction: Knex Gun
A powerful knex gun. If you use about 3 rubber bands it can dent a wall
Step 1: Make the Firing Mechinisim
1.Make this x2
2.Make this
3.Make this
4.Put them together
2.Make this
3.Make this
4.Put them together
Step 2: Make the Handle
1.Make this x2
2.Make this x3
3.Do this
4.Do this
5.Put them together
6.Another view
2.Make this x3
3.Do this
4.Do this
5.Put them together
6.Another view
Step 3: Make the Barrel
1.Make this
2.Make this
3.Make this
4.Put them together
5.Put these together
2.Make this
3.Make this
4.Put them together
5.Put these together
Step 4: Putting the Gun Together
1.Put the handle on the barrel
2Put this part on
2Put this part on
Step 5: Where to Put the Rubber Bands
1.Put one on the firing wheel
2.Put one on the trigger
3.Another view
Fire by loading a yellow connector on top of the red wheel stopper
2.Put one on the trigger
3.Another view
Fire by loading a yellow connector on top of the red wheel stopper