Introduction: Knife Security Chain
The reason why I made this is I have new Victorinox knife and i lost it twice in one month. It was very hard to find it because of color of knife. I don't want to search it again so this chain could be solution. With this chain you have secured knive but you can detach it very quickly in case of emergency.
Step 1: Material
- Chain (about 20-30cm).
- Two small key rings.
- Two small carbine.
- Piece of wire (about 1mm diameter)
Step 2: Tools
You'll need just pliers and the knife.
Step 3: Chain Length
First cut off chain to required length. I used about 25 cm because it's too long for work with knife even if it's clipped to my pocket (for example if you just want something cut off.).
Step 4: Put Together
Put key ring into carbine. I used my can opener in knife to help to distend the key ring and put carbine. Then add chain on this key ring too.
Step 5: Unused Assembly
It's possible to make another side of the chain like first, but it's not possible detach knife in less then 5 second so I decide put carbine exactly to knife, not chain because the knife I keep everytime with me, but this security chain not, so one more piece of tool (carbine) on my knife could be useful.
Step 6: Other Side of Chain - Quick Detach
On the other side of the chain I add only key ring without carbine and "carbine" which can be opened by twitch.
This carbine is very easy to make.
Step 7: The "carbine"
I made it from welding wire 1mm diameter about 5 cm length. First bend little circle in the middle. Then bend wire about 15mm over this circle to inside on both side. Then cut off remaining wire.
Then put key ring on chain over little circle on carbine.
Step 8: Attach Knife
Now you can attach knife with diy carbine.
So, that's all. Now you can clip on your security chain on your pants, pocket, zipper or something else and never lost it again and concurrently you can unclasp knife very fast. If you use ordinary carbine, it takes about 5 second to detach knife and it could be too long in emergency