Introduction: Knife Out of a Railroad Spike

About: I am Jake and I make. Knifemaking, metalworking, fashion design (AKA the duct tape tie), writing, filming, prop making, fire. Typical teenage maker. Check me out on Youtube.

This is a knife I made recently, a knife out of a railroad spike. I didn't have any of the correct tools, except for maybe a hammer, so I'm not going to make a full Instructable out of it.

I used an old broken weight as an anvil, vice grips, and a small forge made of bricks. I got it to the basic shape with the forge, then finished shaping with my bench grinder and belt sander.

I am going to wrap the handle with something, I just haven't yet. I quenched it with vegetable oil, and tempered it in the oven at 400 degrees for a couple hours. I took it out a nice golden brown color. My favorite knife I have made so far, it sharpens nicely and holds it's edge. I am new to knife making, so constructive criticism would be appreciated.

If you would like to make a knife like this, here is an Instructable that helped me:

Hope this gives someone some good ideas!