Introduction: Knit a "Cosy" Hat - Pattern Provided!

About: Born in England many years ago, moved to California in 1980, moved to New York in 1993, became a US citizen. Favourite place to visit, besides London England, is Lake Winnipesaukkee in New Hampshire, home of …
"They" say, that you lose a lot of heat from your head in cold weather. Whether this is true or not, you certainly feel a lot better when you wear a nice warm hat pulled down over your ears. Of course you could run out and buy yourself a woolley hat at your local store, but how much nicer to wear something you made yourself and can show off proudly to all your friends - who may even want you to knit one for them - or not!

Step 1: Here Are a Selection of Cosy Hats!

Some could be considered a bit silly - but actually most of them are quite sensible! Here is an assortment of the many hats I have knitted over the past couple of years for a local charity.

Step 2: You Will Need...

You will need yarn and knitting needles. Oddments of yarn will do, as you can make all manner of stripes in any colours you like. Of course you can make a hat in plain dull colours too! It depends on how flamboyant a personality your have!

"Sport weight" yarn is ideal for making these hats. Anything finer will not be as warm and anything really chunky will be rather large and too thick.

Step 3: The Pattern

Here is my pattern! It is for a very basic hat, which any beginner can manage. When knitting in the round, make sure you mark the end of the round, it is important, especially when you are on the decreasing part of the hat. If you don't like knitting in the round, you can always use two straight needles and sew the hat up at the back when finished.

When using circular needles be careful when you complete the first round that you have not twisted the needle around or you will achieve a mobius strip!

Using size 5, 6, 7, or 8 sixteen inch circular needle (or 4 double point of the correct size) cast on 100 stitches. Of course the larger the needles, the bigger the hat will knit up.

Proceed in Knit 2, Purl 2 rib for 7 1/2 inches.

Decrease as follows:

Row 1. Knit 2, Purl 2 together, all around
Row 2-6 Knit 2, Purl 1 around
Row 7 Knit 2 together, Purl 1 around
Rows 8 - 12 Knit 1 Purl 1 around
Row 13 Knit 2 together, Purl 2 together around
Rows 14 - 15 Knit 1, Purl 1 around
Row 16 K2 together around

Fasten off and leave an 8 inchor so length of yarn. Thread this into a needle and draw through the remaining stitches.

Step 4: Rah Rah, for the Pom Pom!

If the mood takes you, you can add a colourful contrasting or matching pom pom to the top of the hat!

To make a pom pom take two circles of cardboard about 2 1/2 in diameter (or size of your choice) Make a small circle in the middle of both. Place the two matching circles together. I used a water glass of the right size to make the circles and a small indigestion tablet bottle for the inner circle!

Take lengths of yarn about 3 feet in length and start winding them round the outside of the circles and through the middle hole. When the pattern becomes "fat" and you can't wind any more yarn through the hole - stop! Towards the end a crochet hook will help draw the yarn through the ever decreasing hole.

Carefully take some sharp scissors and force the point through the two circles at the circumferance. Cut carefully around the edge. When you have cut all the strands, take another strand of yarn and tie the cut ends firmly so no strands scan escape. Ease off the cardboard circles and behold - you have achieved pom pom (I hope!) See detailed pictures which may be more helpful.

Step 5: Elmininate the Shaggy Pom!

You will probably have a bit of a shaggy pom pom at this point. You need to give it a haircut and smarten it up a bit, but be careful. You dont want to cut any vital bits and have the whole thing fall apart and have to start again.

You can make larger pom poms if the mood takes you, buy cutting larger circles to use as your pattern.

Step 6: More About the Pom Pom

Sew the pom pom firmly onto the top of the hat - and wear it with pride - after all, it's a piece of folk art!

Stay warm, wear a hat! it's the sensible thing to do!