Introduction: Kydex Rotating Knife Sheath
FPS combines my passion for hunting and wildlife conservation with the overall need for self sufficiency.
Step 1: Heat the Kydex Until It Has the Consistency of Wet Leather, the Griddle Does a Great Job of Heating the Kydex Evenly.
I use a $20 Walmart griddle to heat the kydex, its easy and cheap.
Step 2: I Try to Place Everything Correctly and Close the Press Within 15 Seconds. If I Miss My Time Frame I Must Reheat the Kydex and Start the Process Over. Don't Worry, Kydex Is Very Forgiving and Can Be Reheated.
Wait at least 10 minutes for the kydex to cool.
There are no pictures of placing the heated Kydex into the press and lining everything up because there is not enough time.
There are no pictures of placing the heated Kydex into the press and lining everything up because there is not enough time.
Step 3: The Secret to Getting Good Form Is to Use a Cotton Sheet Between the Kydex and the Foam.
The cotton sheet allows the Kydex to float and settle into its own form around the object. If a cotton sheet is not used the foam wants to grab and shift the Kydex while the press is closing.
Step 4: This Is a Fallkniven F1 Knife. One of the Best Knives on the Market Today in My Opinion. If the SHTF I Would Be Comfortable Carrying This Knife.
Everyone has a favorite knife and this happens to be mine at the moment, I'm not trying to start a knife debate. If you have a favorite knife other than the F1 then I'm happy for you.
Step 5: Once Everything Is Formed and the Holes Are Layed Out Its Time for the Drill Press.
Tension can be adjusted by the hole location on the sheath. The higher up, the more snap (retention) it will have. Clamping a couple small vice grips onto the sides of the sheath can help in deciding hole location. Then mark and drill.
Step 6: A Scroll Saw Makes Short Work of Roughing Out the Sheath.
Step 7: Clean Thoroughly and Check for Fit.
Step 8: I Opted for a Pivoting Sheath System, This Is a Design That I Came Up With.
Step 9: Now That the Sheath Can Pivot, It Will Rotate Out of the Way While in the Sitting Position.
Step 10: Time to Start Smoothing Out the Rough Edges.
After sanding, make sure all the grit from the belt sander is gone or you will scratch your knife, disassemble the sheath and clean thoroughly.
Step 11: Once the Final Shaping Is Done, Use Some Polishing Compound on the Edges to Get a Professional Appearance.
Step 12: Now Clean Again Very Well. All of the Kydex Dust in Addition to the Grit From the Sander Must Be Removed.
Step 13: Using a Chamfer Tool I Broke the Edges of the Bolt Holes.
This is my hunting knife and when I do my part properly it does get dirty. I opted for using stainless bolts and nylon locking nuts for the simple fact of being able to take this sheath apart and cleaning it.
Step 14: Finished
Step 15: And Finished in a Rotated Position
Step 16: Carry Position
Step 17: Rotates Out of the Way When I Sit Down.
Now its time for you to make one!!