Introduction: LCD User Interface
The LCD User Interface is, as you can expect, an interface made for 16*2 LCDs.
You'll be able to show time, hardware informations, messages...
But you'll be also able to create your own drawing and animations, to save them and load them.
Needed :
- Arduino
- 16*2 LCD
- 10K potentiometer
Step 1: Wire Your LCD to Your Arduino
Follow the wiring :
- VSS to ground,
- VDD to +5V,
- V0 to 10K potentiometer,
- RS to pin 12,
- RW to ground,
- E to pin 11,
-D4, D5, D6, D7 to pin 5, 4, 3, 2,
- A to +5V (with a 220ohm resistor),
- K to ground.
Step 2: Upload the Code to Your Arduino
Upload the ".ino" code to your arduino
Step 3: Open the User Interface
Open the user interface, and display what you want by choosing your arduino port ! :)
Step 4: Additional Notes
You can download the "Additional notes" and enjoy !
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Source code :