Introduction: LED Longboard Under-glow

Hey guys!
So about a year ago I made my first Instructables on a new idea i came up with. It was a skateboard with under-glow. After a lot of positive feed back from the Instructables community, friend, and family, I decided i wanted to start making longboards and skateboards with LED lights on the bottom and sell them in hopes to pay off medical bills from my accident (you'll hear about that too). 

I started off with a skateboard with 28 LEDs in the bottom of the board with exposed batteries and also exposed wire. Over the past year I have perfected my design and came up with a one of a kind longboard! I am very proud of what i have accomplished. The new boards have everything hidden and sleek, so the longboard deck looks like a normal deck. Inside the deck there is 30 LEDs connected to a rechargeable battery. Everything is hidden inside the board and there is no difference between the shape of my deck or a regular deck besides mine having under glow!!

This is the description I had with the very first deck I built along with the pictures:

I made this a couple weeks ago, the idea came to me after i was hit by a truck and broke my both my top and bottom jaws, my eye socket, both my cheek bones (i have metal plates now), my nose was broken and i broke my collar bone. I was in acoma for a week and had 5 surgeries since. This happened to me a little more than a year ago and i have racked up more than $100,000 in debt and have lost feeling in both my lips and most of my cheeks and i have loss all taste. Luckily, insurance paid for most of the bills.
After having a long time recovering i came up with the idea that will give more visibility to a skateboard. I fixed 28 LEDs onto the bottom of my skateboard deck.
FIrst, I had to drill 28 holes one inch in and spread out an inch. Then, I inserted all 28 LEDs into the holes and wired all the LEDs together in a parallel circuit then i connected two AA batteries and put grip tape over all the hardware then i was cruising with lights!
I think this helped me get better visibility and i plan on making and selling these RIght now i am in the process of making a multi color flashing LEDs with a remote control.

thanks for viewing my skateboard with under-glow hope you enjoy it!!


The green deck is the very first deck I built. The blue deck is the most recent deck. 

Here is a video of the most recent one! Please like and comment and subscribe!!

I am now doing custom boards if you are interested please send me an email and i can do a completely custom board for you!

I made a Facebook page and I would really appreciate it if you took a look at it and liked it:

This is also my youtube channel, please watch, comment and subscribe: