Introduction: LED MESH TAG TOOL
- uses move MESH tag
- philips HUE lights
- Wooden case (laser cutted)
Step 1: Turn on Your Move MESH Tag
- Press and hold the colored part of your mesh tag
- The light should glow and dim out
Step 2: Make Sure MESH Tag Is On
- Press the button again, if it is green it means the MESH tag is on
Step 3: Open MESH
- Download the MESH app
- Last row, second one down from the left
Step 4: Create a New Recipe
- Tap the plus in upper left corner
Step 5: Pair Your MESH Tags
- Press the plus on the bottom left, press your tag to make sure it's on
Step 6: It Should Show the MESH Tag Is Paired
Step 7: Drag and Drop Your Move Tag
Step 8: Drag and Drop Sound (optional)
Step 9: Connect MESH Tag to Sound
Step 10: Drag and Drop HUE Light
Step 11: Connect MESH Tag to HUE Light
Step 12: Tap Move Tag, Swipe Right to Orientaion
- tap which orientation you would like light to turn on
Step 13: Tap HUE Light and You May Change the Color of the HUE Light
Step 14: Drag and Drop the Move MESH Tag Again
Step 15: Drag and Drop Sound and HUE Light Again But Connect It to the Second Move Tag
Step 16: Tap the Move Tag, Swipe to Orientation and Tap a Different One
- You adjust this to turn on a different colored light to your liking
Step 17: Repeat Up to Six Times to Suit a Color to All Orientation Options Available
- Box to hold your MESH tag so it's safer
- simply stuff it with cotton to stabilize your MESH tag
Step 19: Make Sure You Adjust the Tag and Know All the Orientations From the Outside
- label each side of your box
Step 20: EX: I Labled the Left Side Left to Know If I Want to To Turn My Light (ex:blue) I Turn It Left
Step 21: Turn Off Tag Once Done (battery Last Up to 30 Days)
- Press and hold the MESH tag until the light dims down
Step 22: OPTION #2
- Instead of a HUE light
- you may use an LED MESH tag
- IT WORKS THE SAME WAY it's just a MESH LED light