Introduction: LED Plexiglass Light

So, in my first Instructable I want to show how this beautiful LED-Plexiglass Light was built.

The Socket was made out of old Wood, the Plexiglass Fragments are broken out of an old Plexiglass Door.

This Lamp is powered by an old LED-Strip and its Controller/Power Adapter.

Step 1: Components

So for the Lamp you need:

  • Plywood
    • a Plate of Plywood with 2 small gaps for the glass cut out
    • 2 side Plates to cover the Sides
  • Wood
    • 2 Pieces of a Wooden slat for the edges
  • LED
    • an old LED Strip connected to its Power supply
      • I brought a few LED-Strip connectors on Amazon
  • Tools
    • wood glue
    • Jigsaw
    • hot glue (transparent Glue)

Step 2: Plexiglass

At first you shoult get the Glass Fragments so you can get your Dimensions for the LED-Strip and the Gaps.

I just Broke the edges to get a good angle of 90°.

You can also saw the Glass for a cleaner look, but I liked the shard look.

Step 3: The Socket

Now you can Saw the whole Socket to the Dimensions you need.

I cut out a small gap for the IR-Reciever to controll the Colour.

Step 4: Glue

At first you should glue the 2 pieces of the wooden slate for the edges.

Then you can glue the plexiglass to the LED-Strip (90° to get the maximum amount of light through the glass)

After this you can glue the whole LED-Glass Part to the socket and wire the whole thing.

Step 5: Finish

Now you can glue the side Plates to the Lamp and after this you can enjoy your beautiful LED-Shard light.

Step 6: Optional

You can add additional wooden iron veneers for a better look, or you add a foil for a non rustical look.

Thats the way you can close small gaps.