Introduction: LED Pumpkin Light Controlled by Arduino

About: I have a never-ending desire to try new things, build stuff, experiment, and learn. I don't really watch TV, or play video games - I prefer to get my entertainment from physically interacting with the world. I…
The initial vision for the project was to set up an LED to turn on and off by itself based on ambient light, and to flicker and vary intensity to simulate a candle.

Parts required:
1 x Arduino
1 x LED (preferably a bright amber one for realism)
1 x LDR (Light dependent resistor)
1 x 1000 ohm resistor
1 x 220 ohm resistor

Step 1: Carve a Pumpkin

Carve a pumpkin

Step 2: Write Code

I wrote in several random values so that the effect is somewhat realistic. Change around the values or better yet the entire code if you want a different or more realistic effect.

I've never really had any formal programming instruction, and as a result my code is probably almost as inefficient as using an arduino to light a pumpkin.

So if anyone has suggestions on how to make the code more efficient, or all-around better I would appreciate any help.

Step 3: Solder and Plug

Solder a couple wires to the LDR to allow for positioning within the pumpkin.
solder the 220 ohm resistor to the short leg of the LED and insert it in the ground pin.
Insert the long leg into digital pin 9.
Insert one wire from the LDR and one leg of the 1000 ohm resistor into analog pin 3
insert the other end of the LDR in 5v, and the other end of the 1000 ohm resistor into the second ground.

Step 4: Bag It Up

Throw it in a ziploc bag to protect the electronics - You will want the bag to be big enough so that the LDR can be positioned in an opening in the pumpkin (so it can read the ambient light level)

Step 5: See It in Action

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest

Arduino Contest

Participated in the
Arduino Contest