Introduction: LED Snowies!

About: I'm the funder and director of SolveHQ, a company that solve problems and know a lot about technology, so often those problems get solved using some tech, but sometimes it's more about training, or getting thi…
 Take a throwie (minus the magnet), hide it in the snow and watch it glow!


Ultrabright white LEDs
CR2032 coin cell bettery
Sellotape (electical tape would've been better but I didn't have any)

Step 1: Bend Your Legs

 I found it better to bend the LED legs over so they didn't  stick out the bottom and poke you in the hand when it's done.

Step 2: Tape Time

 Tape the LED to the battery 

Step 3: Hide It in the Snow

 Hide it in the snow and watch it glow!