Introduction: LED Backlit (not Slim) PS2

About: well im a strange one , ill admit that otherwise im kinda normal
hmm... What to do with the huge empty expansion bay in a PS2? Why back light it with LED's of course!

Step 1: Materials

1.) Male USB connector
2.) wire
3.) Electrical tape
4.) wire strippers
5.) solder and soldering iron

Step 2: Construction

This is quite simple, first solder your LED(s) to the wire observing polarity between the 2 LEDs ( anode to anode , cathode to cathode).Cover your connections with electrical tape to prevent the LED's from shorting on the metal inside the expansion bay. This is a picture of the LEDs attached to the USB connector.

Step 3: Connect Everything

Plug the Male USB connector into the PS2, turn on the PS2 and push the "reset" button, the LED's should now be on, if not check for shorts, if that doesn't fix anything then re-solder your connections. I think that I'm am supposed to use a resistor in my circuit, but i dont have any and it seems to work fine the way it is, i apologize for the lack of pictures, and the horrible pictures i did take (my camera is absolutely horrible) This is what my PS2 looked like after adding LED's to the Expansion bay, this project took me about 15 minutes ( my LEDs were pre-wired, all i had to do was connect them to the USB connector)

Enjoy your PS2 lighting experiences!