Introduction: LED Longboard

About: I am an electrical repair tech by day and an engineer by night, after work or free time.
(I added the schematic! Ignore the non scematic talk. just updated!)  (18volt input not 19! sorry)

I have been meaning to share tis build since I made it but I got side tracked a little. Its a led long board! I used segments of non-programable rgb led strips and used a 555 timer circuit to give them a little personality! The timer causes the leds to flash, with the aid of a spdt switch you can also choose a slow flash or a fast flash. Also with the placement of a potentiometer you can adjust the speed of both flashes. On the circuit there are three switches. One is a bypass switch, which skips the circuit and simply lights the leds. The second one is a mode switch, as I described early it allows to select a fast or slow flash. The last switch is simply an on-off switch. The power supply is 2 nine volt batteries in series then regulated down to 12 volts before the timer. I will be updating this with a schematic for those who would like to build this. I lost the schematic a while ago but I will post it soon! I used two altoid tins to hold all the componets. One tin holds the circuitry and the other tin holds the 2 nine volt batteries. If you are familiar with 555 timers then making this circuit should be easy even without the schematic. You can always breadboard and make your own circuit! :) But for those wanting the same exact effect as mine stay tuned! Until then check out the video and pictures! This thing is a lot of fun to ride at night. Thanks for your time! If you have any questions or need any help with the circuit feel free to ask!