Introduction: LEGO Mini F-18 & Control Tower

About: Im a triathlete and swim year round. Oh ya and I build stuff Instagram: paracord__nation
This mini Lego f-18 is perfect for making daily patrols, shooting down bad guys or flying above a mini Lego football game.

Step 1: Supplies

You need Legos and your brain.

Step 2: The F-18

The base is using a skinny 2 by 12 and then the wings. Now do the underside of the plane. The back tail fin is done by putting a piece vertically on.

Step 3: Control Tower

The control tower is really easy. It has six layers including the black one. On layer 3 I couldn't find any more white 2*4s

Step 4: Accessorize!

You can put landing gear in, or fuel on the wing tips, or guns or whatever!