Introduction: LEGO Rope Slide
Hey everyone! In this instructable, I'm going to show you how to make a Lego rope slide, where you can slide down mini-figs with different sliders. It's an idea my friend and I came up with some few years ago. There's nothing special to craft, except the Lego-stuff. You've might tried I before, but I'm also going to show you how to build some different "sliders" :)
Step 1: Materials
All you need for this instructable is a rope, lego, lego minifigures and your imagination :)
Step 2: The Track
Grab the rope, and tie it to a high place, like on the top of your stairs. Now tie the other end to something lower, that will make the rope lean. You can try to tie the rope at different places so the rope just leans enough to let the minifig slide down. I think a long but a little slower slide is much funnier than a short and fast slide.
Step 3: Different Sliders - Be Creative
Now we just need to build some sliders they can hold or sit in. I'm going to show how to build 2 sliders, in this step. Be creative and make your own. If you made a different slider, it would be nice to see a picture in the comments :)
P.S. No lego minifigures were harmed during this instructable!
P.S. No lego minifigures were harmed during this instructable!