Introduction: LEGO Xenomorph

This is a little beast of a Lego Creation I made in my spare time. I probably will not make any other versions/variations of my creation unless I find a super big flaw in my creation.

Notes about this creation:

- Their is only 1 KREO Piece in this build. Sadly I had to use it in order to make this creation to work.

- The Xenomorph is kinda fragile

- The Xenomorph also can't stand on its legs the way I built it. But give it a try, you don't have to use the way I did to make the legs

Alright, I know present to you, my Lego version of the Sci Fi Classic Creature from the movie Alien... The Xenomorph!

Step 1: The Pieces

The Xenomorph contains pieces in all, these are the pieces needed to make it:

- 6 1x1 Round Plates [Black]

- 2 1x1 Plates w/ Horizontal Hook [Black]

- 3 1x1 Plates w/ Vertical Hook [Black]

- 3 1x2 Plates [Black]

- 1 1x4 Plate [Black]

- 2 1x2 Plates w/ Horizontal Hook [Black]

- 1 1x1 Round Flat Plate [Gray]

- 2 1x1 Cheese Slopes [Black]

- 6 1x2 Groove Plates [Black]

- 12 Mini Figure Hands [Black]

- 2 1x1 Bricks w/ Headlight [Black]

- 1 1x1 Plate w/ Clip [Black]

- 2 1x1 Taps [Black]

- 1 1x3 Slope Curved Plate [Black]

- 1 Spiral Tube w/ Stud End Points [Black or Yellow, it doesn't matter cause the Yellow will be covered]

- 2 1x4 Hinge Plates [Black]

- 1 Black Claw w/ Curved Blade

- 1 KERO Figure Torso Piece [Black]

Step 2: The Head Pieces

For the head you will need the following:

- 3 1x2 Plates [Black]

- 1 1x4 Plate [Black]

- 1 1x1 Round Flat Plate [Gray]

- 1 1x1 Cheese Slopes [Black]

- 1 1x3 Slope Curved Plate [Black]

Step 3: Head Instructions

Step 1: First take 2 of the 1x2 Plates [Black] and the 1x1 Round Flat Plate [Gray] and put them together like so.

Step 2: Add the 1x4 Plate along with another 1x2 Plate.

Step 3: Finally, add the 1x1 Cheese Slope and the 1x3 Slope Curved Plate. Now you can put the head aside!

Step 4: The Tail Pieces

For the Tail you will need:

- 12 Mini Figure Hands [Black]

- 1 1x1 Cheese Slope [Black]

- 1 Black Claw w/ Curved Blade

- 1 1x1 Bricks w/ Headlight [Black]

- 1 1x1 Plates w/ Vertical Hook [Black]

- 1 Spiral Tube w/ Stud End Points [Black or Yellow]

Step 5: Tail Instructions

Step 1: Take the Tube Piece.

Step 2: Add the Mini Figure Arms.

(NOTE: The last Mini Figure Hand that you need to put on the tube can barely fit. To put it on, Stretch the tube to wear it has room for the last hand.)

Step 3: Take the last Cheese Slop and one of the 1x1 Bricks w/ the Headlight on it.

Step 4: Finally add a 1x1 Plate w/ Horizontal Hook [Black] and the Curved Claw Pieces [Black]. And again, put it aside for the next part!

Step 6: Feet/Torso Pieces

For the Legs/Torso you will need:

- 2 1x1 Plates w/ Vertical Hook [Black]

- 2 1x2 Groove Plates [Black]

- 2 1x2 Plates w/ Horizontal Hook [Black]

- 2 1x1 Taps [Black]

- 1 1x1 Bricks w/ Headlight [Black]

- 1 KREO Figure Torso

(NOTE: This build needs the KREO Figure Torso to work, other pieces were earthier to big or just didn't work.)

Step 7: Leg/Torso Instructions

Step 1: Take the KREO Figure Torso, the two 1x2 Plates w/ Horizontal Hook and the two 1x2 Groove Plates.

Step 2: Add the two Tap Pieces and the two 1x1 Plates w/ Vertical Hook under the already assembled pieces.

Step 3: Finally add the 1x1 Brick w/ Headlight on top of the KERO Figure Torso. Put it aside for the final part of the body!

Step 8: Arms/Neck Pieces

For the Arms/Neck you will need:

- 6 1x1 Round Plates

- 2 1x1 Plates w/ Horizontal Hook

- 2 1x4 Hinge Plates

- 1 1x1 Plate w/ Clip

- 4 1x2 Groove Plates

Step 9: Arm/Neck Instructions

Step 1: Take the 1x1 Plate w/ Clip and add two 1x1 Round Plates on each side but not on top... yet.

Step 2: Place the 1x4 Hinge Plates on each side.

Step 3: Cover both of the arms with the remaining 1x2 Groove Plates.

Step 4: Position the two 1x1 Plates w/ Horizontal Hook on the last stud of the 1x4 Hinge Plates

Step 5: Finally, place the remaining two 1x1 Round Plates on the top of the 1x1 Plate w/ Clip. Finally you can put the body together!

Step 10: The Finished LEGO Xenomorph Should Look Like This.

Step 11: Your Done!!!