Introduction: LEGO Spaceships

These lego spaceships are sweet!!! The 4 ships in the first photo all have special functions and the other 2…..

yea, huhhhhhhhh. All right, they are old instructables, all that's different is instead of having a bunch of photos, you download a lego digital designer (ldd for short) file. Then you can change and edit the models, plus you can use the interactive instructions. Don't worry the old instructables will stay. But while I was making the spaceships I thought that I might as well make them.

The larger spaceships I haven't made files for yet. Mainly because, ummm, their larger. But, COMING SOON!!!

Step 1: Download LDD

Step 1, download digital designer...


Step 2: Build!!!

Download the files, and good luck building!

Also, check out more pictures of My spaceships at LEGO creator, LEGO Emmet Awards, and on YouTube!!!

p.s. My lego name is "mindstormsmagician"

p.p.s. Link to YouTube videos,