Introduction: LOVE YOU Card

About: Community Manager for Instructables and Tinkercad.
Wanted to make a fun and simple card for Valentine's Day.

Step 1: Supplies

Here is what you need and the silhouette file.

  • Silhouette Cameo
  • Colored paper of choice
  • 5.5 x 4 inch Card
  • Glue Stick or something similar

Step 2: Designing

I started with the size of the card which is 5.5 by 4 inches.  

Then I created the boxes.  I knew I wanted it to be 4 boxes wide by 2 tall.  So each section needed to be 2 inches tall by 1.375 inches wide.  You can create separate boxes or you can just use lines like I did.

Now add in your letters.  I typed them and added them one by one.  I chose to use the font Marion and the letters are 120 points in size.  If some of your letters get caught when cutting, you can just recut the letters you need like I did with the Y.  Just make a box that is 2 by 1.375 an put in the letter you need and cut it out.  Easy peasy.

Step 3: Creating

Put it together!  Now you can just put on the letters, or you can just put on the boxes or you can alternate like I did.  And then, if you alternate you can alternate starting with a L box in the corner or just the L in the corner.  You can make two cards out of these supplies too.  

Just line them up and glue them down and you are done :)  Enjoy.