Introduction: Ladle Lamp

About: Artista brasileiro interessado em gambiarras no geral!
This is a lamp for my kitchen done with a laddle $ 10 and a plate of plastic.
Bill of Materials:

. A metal ladle;
. A plastic plate;
. 60 cm of transparent cristal wire;
. A mignon lamp;
. A socket (for the lamp);
. Ruller, Pencil, Calliper
. A Dremel

Step 1: Drill the Ladle

Get the ladle and find the middle of semi-sphere. Mark.
Measure the socket diameter and mark it on the ladle, using a pencil.
Now, get the Dremel with a cut disk and cut out the hole.
Use the Dremel to sand the hole.

Step 2: Drill the Plate

Make holes in the plate for the passage of the wire and the two screws.
Thread the wire through the center hole and knot. 

Step 3: Finishing

Peel the ends of the wire and plug in the socket.
Attach the socket to the ladle and connect the lamp in it.
Connect the wires to your electric installation, and turn it on.

Sorry for my english. Is my first instructable too.