Introduction: Laptop Screen Support

About: I'm Furqan, I'm programmer and I'm interested in hardware of computer.

I have acer laptop, its screen panel is broken, and Hinges are really tight. Screen panel is not available in market. In this case you can support laptop screen using this method.

My approach was to give wire connection between Laptop screen and laptop base. That will be in next project.

Step 1: Acrylic Sheet

Transparent Acrylic Sheet is really sharp, lightweight plastic glass. You can buy from near your store of Acrylic sheet or online. Buy from Amazon

Size 12 x 12

You can take any size

Step 2: Hinges

You can buy any laptop hinges from online or any other store.

You have buy any strong hinge.

Step 3: Attaching Acrylic Sheet With Hinges

Mark Holes on acrylic sheet using black sketch pen.

Make Holes using Drill Machine, Try to make small hole that screw can fit in to Acrylic sheet throw Hinges.

Buy Drill Machine if you don't have.

Buy Screw that fit to Hinges.

While using drill machine be careful. Or you can ask help from any professional person who use drill daily in his work.

After Fixing it, this is how it looks like.