Introduction: Laptop Stand for Your Netbook

About: I am an artist, educator, tinkerer, and repurposer, err, recycler.
Most laptop stands are made for full sized laptops.

I looked forever for a suitable stand for my collection of Eee Pc netbooks. Everything was either too big, too expensive, or just plain didn't exist. Eventually I headed off to my favorite store - IKEA - to look for a solution.

A couple of hours and a few dollars later I had my solution.

This instructable is made for a netbook. It will work with most netbooks up to 10 inches in size. It is constructed with 2 plastic shelf brackets, 2 drawer handles, a couple of telescopic bolts (optional) and and cabinet screws. Basic tools such as a miter saw, a snap-off blade knife, and a screwdriver are all you need to complete the project. 

Step 1: The Parts

Here are links to the Ikea components:

Stodis Shelf Brackets
0.50 each

Attest Handles
$3.99 a pair
You can also use any other style 4 to 5 inch handle. Just remember that you'll need 2.

One pair of screws that come with the handles and one pair of half inch screws. If you use Ikea components you'll need to make sure to the smaller pair is in metric size.

Optional: one pair of 5/8" telescopic bolts just to cover the unused hole and make everything look extra sweet. Not necessary.

A saw. You can use a dovetail saw, a miter saw, a jig saw. Whatever you have access to will probably work just fine.

Sandpaper and a sharp knife for cleaning up the edges.


Step 2: Making the Pattern and Cutting the Brackets

I traced one of the shelf brackets onto a piece of sturdy paper, cut it out, and used it to and then cut one end down until I arrived at the right height. for the stand.

From there it's pretty straightforward. Mark each bracket and cut.

Trim any extra bits away and sand off any rough edges.

Step 3: Assembly

Easy as pie.

Step 4: Using Your NetBook Stand!

I use the stand when I want to work with a full sized keyboard or if I want to raise the screen a little higher for watching videos, etc.