Introduction: Large Ice Cream Pint
The largest pint of Baskin Robins ice cream you can find!
Step 1: Materials
Different colored acrylic paints to make your label and paint to make the color of the cone. You will also need a white poster board, trash can, and wrap able cork sheets. All of these materials can be found at your local craft store.
Step 2: Making the Base
Trace the base of your trash can to make the bottoms base of your cone. Paint the circular base the color of your cone.
Step 3: Making the Cone
Wrap the cork around your trash can and hot flue the ends together and the cork to the can
Step 4: Finishing the Cone
Paint the cork with a few layers of your cone colored paint. Let it dry and start on the wrapper/label of the ice cream.
Step 5: Wrapper/Label
Take your 2 colors of paint. We used dark blue and bubblegum pink. Place a paper plate in the middle of the poster and paint the area around one of your colors. Take away the plate and finish painting the rough edges. Paint an outline of your other paint color to bold the circle. Write the name of your company/ice cream in the circle with whatever paint you have left.