Introduction: Laser Engraved Pumpkins
In this instructable I will do my best to explain how I created these cool pumpkin engravings.
Step 1: Measure You Laser
To do this you need to measure you lasers ability to use thicker material. Remember to account for you focal length.
Step 2: Pick You a Pumpkin.
This is the fun part. Go have a day at the pumpkin patch finding the perfect pumpkin. Measure to be certain it will fit.
Think about
color and shape
And flatness (the focal length will change as the distance changes due to curvature.)
Think about
color and shape
And flatness (the focal length will change as the distance changes due to curvature.)
Step 3: Decide on Letter Layout and Words or Image
You can layout your image or letters how ever looks best to you. I will post the two options I went for.
Remember to take into account the curvature of the pumpkin.
Remember to take into account the curvature of the pumpkin.
Step 4: Create Laser File
Measure your pumpkin to decide what size image and orientation you would like. Create file to fit your needs.
On the verticals I made one word at a time. Used the origins to set my start position and frame to make sure I liked the placement. But first you’ll need to stabilize your pumpkin in the laser first. That’s the next step.
On the verticals I made one word at a time. Used the origins to set my start position and frame to make sure I liked the placement. But first you’ll need to stabilize your pumpkin in the laser first. That’s the next step.
Step 5: Stabilize Your Pumpkin
Place your pumpkin on the laser bed with the s axis at the level you need for correct focal length. I just used scrap wood laying around to brace the edges of the pumpkin on four sides. Keep in mind your orientation while doing this.
On the verticals pumpkin I was able to pick up the pumpkin after each word them flip it to a new edge and engrave a new word.
On the verticals pumpkin I was able to pick up the pumpkin after each word them flip it to a new edge and engrave a new word.
Step 6: Settings
Every laser is different so your setting may be different.
Common (fill) speed (mm/sec) 100
Max power 30%
Min power 10%
Line interval (mm) 0.090
Line (trace) speed (mm/sec) 100
Max power 15%
Min power 10%
Passes 1
Common (fill) speed (mm/sec) 100
Max power 30%
Min power 10%
Line interval (mm) 0.090
Line (trace) speed (mm/sec) 100
Max power 15%
Min power 10%
Passes 1
Step 7: Laser Time
Send file over to your laser.
Set your origin
Frame to see placement
Adjust origin or pumpkin to get what you want.
Run laser
Set your origin
Frame to see placement
Adjust origin or pumpkin to get what you want.
Run laser
Step 8: Make a Decoration
Take those master pieces and make something the spouse or friends will love!