Introduction: LaserSynth
Hello, welcome to this Instuctable about the LaserSynth, i've made this project to visualize and play with sounds and to search for harmonious patterns or complete chaotic ones that look GREAT. I wanted to generate these tones with my Arduino and i wanted the user able to change the frequency of these tones.
Step 1: The Core Components and Our Build / Code
What we need:
1. Arduino Uno
2. Potmeter (x4)
3. Jumperwire
4. A speaker with an amplifier (i've used a X-mini because it vibrates perfectly)
The assembly is pretty straight forward
I've soldered two jumper cables to the AUX jack of the speaker (You should solder one on the tip and one at the base)
You should connect these two jumpercables to Digital port 3 and the Ground port
After that you can connect the Potmeters, if you don't have the four Potmeters in a single package you can look at the image of the breadboard provided above.
The Potmeters should be connected to Analog ports A0, A1, A2 and A4. They also need to the 3.3V Port and the Ground port
The software you can use is also provided
There were many examples for me to look at online about Arduino tone generation, I have used: Peter Knight's Lo-Fi granular synthesiser as an example and i've tinkered with the parameters and i've rewritten the code and i advise you to play with the code too.
Step 2:
I have build a base for the system and i have mounted a laser on top with a ball mount camera holder.
Step 3: Enjoy the Beatiful and Playful Effect!
Now you can attach a piece of mirror with tape or a piece of mirror glued onto a balloon.
Enjoy the mad shapes you can create and the lovely sounds.