Introduction: Launchable Drinking Straw Planes

Fun, very easy to make, for all ages. Launch them, race them, and attach a paper pilot if you want.

You will need the materials shown.

Step 1: Step 1:

Cut off the end of the straw with the bendy part.

Step 2: Step 2:

Cut the paper lengthwise, about a centimeter shorter than the straw's length.

Step 3: Step 3:

Roll the paper loosely around the straw and secure the paper to itself so it doesn't unroll.

Step 4: Step 4:

Take the paper roll off the straw and flatten the end so it's tapered. Now tape it so it's well air tight on that end. Leave the other as it is.

Step 5: Step 5:

Put the straw in the paper roll. Now you can decorate it! As a butterfly, dragonfly, plane, bird...anything that flies! Make sure that any decorations are light.

Step 6: Step 6:

It should now look like this. Blow through the straw from the back to launch it.