Introduction: Lawn Mower Air Filter DIY Briggs and Stratton Recycle
1. Take an extremely clean Hole Saw bit (you'll potentially be eating from this later)
2. Cut through the bottom of the tuna can using the 1 1/4" hole saw bit or whatever fits your carburetor opening ( I recommend drilling from the bottom, to leave gravity deplete any metal shavings)
3. Get the Tuna out with a fork and put it in a bowl
Step 1: Cutting the Filter and Pre-assembly
1. Flip the can over and drill 3-5 holes around the outer perimeter Drill a hole in the center as well
(drill so the holes wont be covered by the washer piece you made from the bottom, but also so they wont touch where you will use the can opener for the lid)
2. Now use a can opener to make the lid removable to stuff the foam in (I used foam from an old box spring top).
3. Trace the can onto the foam and cut it with scissors going INSIDE the lines so it fits comfortably (I used 2 layers just to be able to snug the screw in)
Step 2: Asseble the Prepared Pieces
1. Add the blank you cut from the bottom of the can to the top of the can to add as a washer / support.
2. Fit the foam into the can, place the cap on, and put the washer atop to get it ready for final application