Introduction: Lazy Mobile Stand

Hi All,

We all are addicted to our smart phones and before going to bed, we end up watching a video or browsing while lying on the bed... We do not maintain any gap between phone and us, which results in bad eyesight

In this instructables, i am going share how we can make a lazy mobile stand. That will not improve your eyesight but can assist to keep a healthy distance between phone and you

I like to recycle as many items I can. In this build I am using a broken mobile stand from a friend, who was about to throw it and it would have landed in some dumping area causing more problems for environment

Step 1: What Do We Need ?


  • Old / broken Mobile stand
  • Wood Strips
  • 6mm Nuts and bolts
  • PVA glue or fevicol


  • Hack Saw
  • Black Oil Paint spray
  • Sandpapers
  • Wood Clamps

Step 2: The Base

The design of the base may vary based on your bed, mine had a 2 inch thick head board, on which I needed to fit my base.

  • The base has to be strong so took a piece of wood ( 2" x 1.5" x 3/4 ") as main body
  • On which I fixed a metal "L" bracket on one side
  • And a wooden strip 3.5" long on the other side
  • Added 2 - 2.5" strips at the middle ( both sides ) for the base arm
  • Drill a hole of 6mm through the side strips as shown
  • The wooden strips are glued not nailed while the metal bracket is screwed

This assembly should fit on the headboard without any gaps

This will help us to move the stand from one side to another

Step 3: Base Arm

  • All 3 arms are of 9" in length with 6mm holes at the both ends
  • Since the base holder has 3/4" gap, we need to make our first arm that thick
  • We do this by add 2 pieces on each side, sticking them with PVA glue / fevicol
  • Let it dry for 2 hrs
  • Once dried, adjust the width according to the base, by sanding

Step 4: End Arm

  • The End arm which will host the mobile stand needs an additional wooden plank
  • This tiny plank is at 90 degree with the arm
  • Glue these pieces with pva glue or fevicol and let it dry for 2 hours
  • Fix the base of the mobile stand on it

Step 5: Middle Arm

  • The middle arm is of 9" long
  • With 6MM holes at both ends
  • I have added 2 middle arms, but was too long and unsable

Step 6: WingNuts

Because we have 3 joints, we should be able to tighten and loosen them at will to adjust desired position. But we cannot keep a spanner handy for this. Simple solution is to use wing nuts, problem is I had none and were not available in the local stores where I live...

  • To make my own wind nuts, I am using wooden strip of 3/4"
  • Drilled holes for 10mm and hammered the nut into it
  • This worked for 2 nuts, but the wood splitted for rest
  • I super glued the wood and nuts, left for few hrs and I had good wing nuts

Step 7: Finishing

  • Sand the wood with sandpapers
  • Spray Paint them black or leave them natural

Tips and learnings

  • I made a mistake, the joints needs friction to stay in position, because I sanded them, they would slip and hit the mobile on my head. So I had to create some groves using blade or a sharpe on each joints to get the friction
  • Do not paint joints
  • Using Wing nuts at both ends with metallic washer
  • Loosen the nuts before adjusting

That's all, fix the stand, attach your mobile and watch a movie or video