Introduction: Learning the C Major Scale on Keyboard/Piano

I find C Major Scale the easiest scale to remember out of the lot!  This is because the  C major scale doesn’t have any sharps or flats in the key signature.  What does this mean?,  This means you only stick to playing the white keys and don’t touch the black ones.

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Step 1: The Way Up -

Above you will see myself playing C Major Scale using only my right hand and using one octave (7 notes).

Thumb – C

2nd Finger – D

3rd Finger – E

Thumb – F

2nd Finger – G

3rd Finger – A

4th Finger – B

5th Finger – C

As you can see above,  I had to use my thumb twice to make enough room for my fingers to get to the 7th note. The easiest way is to slide your thumb under your third finger to touch the note F.

Step 2: The Way Down -

As you go back down the scale, this is as follows

5th Finger – C

4th Finger – B

3rd Finger – A

2nd Finger – G

Thumb - F

3rd Finger – E

2nd Finger – D

1st Finger C

Now as I went up the scale I put my thumb under my 3rd Finger,  Well as I go back down the scale my 3rd Finger goes over the top of my Thumb to give me enough fingers to finish off the scale.

Now that wasn’t hard was it? Like my teacher always told me, ‘practice makes perfect!’  Thanks for looking and keep coming back as we go through the rest of the scales.