Introduction: Leather Bondage Cuffs
This Instructable will go over how to make bondage cuffs, well.. They're more like bondage bracers. You might ask "What do you need these for?" Well sometimes you just cuff someones hands together if you know what I mean (Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge). Or if you want you can omit the locking point and have a cool pair of leather bracers. Please note that the leather I use to make these was thin, soft, and flexible. I doubt you could make these with thick leather. The cost to make these if you already have the tools is around $15-20. I made mine out of an old leather coat which cut down my costs quite a bit!
Step 1: Supplies Needed
Here's what you're going to need.
Flexible tape measure
Wire Cutters
Calculator (Or the internet)
Sewing Machine (Not shown. I would NOT attempt to make these without a sewing machine)
Dremel Tool with Grinding and Cutting Attachments
Grommet Attaching Device
Leather Punch (Optional but will save some time)
Sort Leather (I go mine from an old coat. You could buy it at a craft store though)
Faux Fur (Optional, but it makes them much nicer)
Thick Wire (Also optional but it gives it extra support)
Cord (I used parachute cord, though shoe laces would also work)
2 - 3/8 in U bend metal thing. (Got it at Lowes)
2 - 3/8 in Washer
8 - 3/8 in Nuts (Four came with the U bend things)
Step 2: Measurements and Math
What you need to do is measure around your wrist. My wrist was 7in around but I needed to subtract an inch or so for the laces. Then measure the long you you want them to be, I chose mine to be 6in. Finally measure the upper portion of your arm. I got 9in but made it 7 1/2in for the laces. Now onto the fun part. Ever thought you would never have to use math? Well you were wrong! We need to find the bottom angle of the trapezoid so we get a uniform shape. To do that we just do some simple math. First subtract your bottom length from your top length and divide it by two. Now take the inverse cosine of the result divided by the height of the trapezoid (Make sure it's in degrees). After that just that subtract that number from 90 and you'll get your angle!
Now putting the idea to paper. Measure out the bottom first, than get out your protractor to find the angle to measure the height. Finally measure the top. Make sure to leave tabs for sewing, I left made mine around an inch outwards.
Step 3: Cutting and Sewing
Now trace out your pattern on the leather, and cut away! Once you're done with that get the wire and strip the outer casing. You will need four pieces of wire that are the same length the sides/height of the drawing. Once you're done with cutting the wire you can sew it into the sides of your leather. Look to the pictures for help on this. After that sew the top and bottom flaps down. Make sure to sew close to the edge.
Step 4: Adding the Locking Point
To add the locking point you first need to find a where you want it. I chose near the top of the cuffs.
One you have a place picked out outline where it's going to be with a pen and cut it out. It's better for the holes to be slightly too small so that they tightly fit around the prongs (Innuendo not intended). Once that's all done take two of the nuts and screw them all the way onto the metal U bend. Then place it into the holes. Add a washer to one of the prongs (I would have used two washers but they didn't fit right.) and then tighten the other two nuts on top.
The prongs will be sticking out a bit so just get your dremal tool and cut them down and smooth them with the grinder. Once you do that the locking point will be attached!
Step 5: Finishing Touches
Now a few of the next steps aren't necessary but they will make your cuffs look much nicer. First we need to add some holes for the laces. Mark out where you'll put them (I made six). I marked them a half inch away from the side and and inch apart from each other. Once they are marked punch them out. I used the grommet fastener to make the holes though I wouldn't recommend that. It would be best to buy a leather punch. Once they holes are made use the grommet fastener on them and viola!
To attach the fur just cut out a piece to fit, tuck it under the leather flaps and sew it down. Be careful when sewing it as the fur can get caught in the sewing machine.
Finally the last step, lacing up the cuffs. Get your cord and cut a fairly long piece, about an arms length. Fuse the ends if you're using a nylon based rope. Then lace up the cuffs like you would lace a pair of shoes.
Step 6: Enjoy Your Masterpiece!
Congratulations! You have successfully made a pair of bondage cuffs. To put them on just loosen up the laces and slide your (or your partners) arm in. Tighten up the laces starting at the top and working your way down until you reach the end. From there you can either tie a knot or loop them around the arm and underneath the cuffs. Please note; If someone wants to get out of these I have no doubt that they could. The locking point can only take so much stress before getting pulled out. Don't expect to be able to pull at these with all your strength and not have them break. Have fun and play responsibly!