Introduction: Leather Clutch

About: We are a professional leather pattern design and tool development studio, we offer high quality pdf, acrylic patterns, and high quality leather tools. We have 2 online stores: www.l…

You can have this acrylic pattern from here:

The finished size is about: 10" x 5.7" x 0.2" (25.4cm x 14.5cm x 0.5mm).


Hardware: 30cm No.3 zipper x1, No.3 slider x1, 12mm D ring x1, 6mm rivet x1

Leather: We advice 1.0mm (2.5oz) leather, size 30cm x 80cm.

Tools: If you are a new leather player, try to considerate to have tool kit here:

Step 1: Sew First Card Slot on Card Slot Back Leather, Only Sew the Bottom Stitching Line.

Step 2: Sew Second Card Slot on Card Slot Back Leather, Only Sew Bottom Stitching Line Too.

Step 3: Sew Third Card Slot On, Only Sew Middle Stitching Line.

Step 4: Sew Both Card Slot Back Leather and Inner Pocket on Lining Leather.

Step 5: Now We Prepare to Install Zipper On. Depart Zipper, Glue Each Cloth on Surface's 2 Edges.

Step 6: Get D-ring Leather In, We Will Use It Later.

Step 7: Now We Sew Lining With Surface. Zipper Will Be Sewn Between Lining and Surface Leather.

Step 8: Insert Zipper Stop Leather

Step 9: Go on Sewing, Also Sew D-ring Leather on Too.

Step 10: Use Rivet to Install Handle, the Clutch Is Finished.