Introduction: Leather Sensory Purse

The Sensory Purse is an item created for people with Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD). People with SPD enjoy feeling different textures throughout the day. It helps them develop a stronger tactile sense and promotes neural growth. However, the most popular form of sensory input is from using a sensory board. Sensory boards are usually 2 feet by 3 feet big slabs of wood with accessories attached. Thus, getting sensory input throughout the day, which is a necessity for people with SPD, is very difficult.

So, a sensory leather purse was created, utilizing an item that people already regularly carry on a daily basis. So, with the scarf, it is no extra effort to receive sensory input throughout the day.

While the sensory purse is a necessity for people with SPD, it can be enjoyed by all people because everyone loves the feeling of these accessories! Children also receive neural growth and development of the senses by feeling these accessories, so a young girl or boy could love a sensory purse as a gift!

Materials include: a variety of accessories (see example, a variety of textures is the goal!) for effectiveness, a leather purse for style, portability and usability, sewing materials (needle, thread) for attachment, and glue for attachment (I used 3M 77 Spray Adhesive as it works well with various fabrics, including leather, sewing alone works as well).

Step 1: Step 1: Create a Layout

An important step of creating your perfect sensory purse is the layout. You can draw where accessories will be placed, or place them on the purse without gluing or sewing them down. Make sure to measure and count out the materials you'll need so that everything lines up!

It may be best to attach accessories to the part of the purse which will move the least. Additional friction can dislodge accessories. In the example sensory purse, I attached the accessories onto the front of the purse because the front will not move as much as the sides.

Step 2: Step 2: Attach the Accessories

Now that you've laid everything out, attach the accessories!

To use the spray glue: spray the back of each accessory and apply by the directions on the can of the glue. Wait a few hours before sewing the items to ensure that the glue has stuck the accessories to the purse.

Make sure to sew down any items that look like they may fall off! This can vary by how the glue was sprayed onto the accessory. To be safe, I sewed all accessories onto the purse, so I know that nothing will fall off.
