Introduction: Led Lantern
1x Arduino uno
1x 5v Rgb analog led strip 1m
1x Led strip connector
1x medium/ large breadboard
3x Trip 31C Transistors
12x wire
3x current wire's
1x 12v power supply
1x Usb cabble A to B
arduino IDE
This will let you upload the code on the arduino.
Step 1: Blueprint
This is what we are going to do.
Step 2: The Wires
take 4 wires and put one in power outlet 3,5,6 of your arduino, put the last wire in the 5v of the arduino.
Step 3: Breadboard Setup
Step 4: Connecting the Wires
Step 5: Final Look
The code upload code to the arduino you must have downloaded arduino IDE, one's you have done that you type in this code and your arduino should light up.
You can write bluepin or greenpin to get those collors.
#define redPin 5
#define bluePin 3
#define greenPin 6
void setup(){
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
int r, g, b;