Introduction: Lego Instructables Robot

About: Cosplayer and artist, i also enjoy making neat stuff out of Legos. You can follow me on Twitter (@TheMagicalMark) to check out more of my artwork.
This shows you how to make an  instructables robot using Lego.

I've sorted the steps by his segments, you can find the steps for his parts in each photo.

Ive been meaning to make one of these for a while now. This was actually a lot harder to design than you might think.

Hope you like it!

Step 1: Pieces.

Here is a list of parts used for the robot.

Step 2: Legs

First do the legs, and the base.

Step 3: Torso

Next the torso.

Step 4: Arms

Next the arms

Step 5: Head

Lastly, the head

Step 6: Done!

Now you're finished! Enjoy!