Introduction: Lego Minecraft 2
So somebody names antibobthebuilder said "cool but what about the others?" So now I'm posting THE CREEP! Now I have a system
1 comment=1 instructible of my choice fallowing=a lego mob of your choice (any mob) and your username on the instructible! So smash that fallow button in the face!
For this instructible you will need all the items in the picture above
Step 2: 1 Half the Creep
Put the 2 by 2 on the other 2 by 2 one on top of the other. Now take a piece of tape and stick it on that bad boy (the 2 pieces we put together earlier) now trim the tape to match the bricks, after that wield the sharpie capless and draw a creeper face to your satisfaction.
Step 3: The Other Half
Put 2 of the slanty pieces on a 2 by 1 like in the picture and build 2 of them.
Step 4: DONE
Put the two feet that we built in the last step side by side like in the picture then put the two halves together like so.
Step 5: WARNING!
Do not put a unarmed Steve next to a creeper as house insurance dose not cover creeper explosions.