Introduction: Lego Movie Slider Stand
Step 1: Make a 2 by 20 Flat Brick
Step 2: Take or Make a Flat 2 by 16
Stack another on top
Step 3: Fill the Surface With Smooth Pieces
Flat smooth
Step 4: Slider
Take 2 2 by 4s
Step 5: Take a 4 by 6
Put the 2 by 4s and stack them like so
Step 6: Take a 1 by 6 and a 1 by 8 and Stack Them Like So
Then put smooth pieces on top
Step 7: Get a 1 by 6 Going Up
Stack the 1 by 6 and the 1 by 8 on top of the 4by 6
Step 8: Lastly
Put the flat pieces and put them under the 2 by 16 and leave a little bit on the side