Introduction: Lego Phone/tablet Stand
I'll show you how to make a phone or tablet stand out of legos! This could help be steady with your pictures or videos, or if you just don't have a tripod or stand.
Step 1: Gather Materials
Get enough leogs to make your stand.
You'll need:
A flat platform lego
Legos to hold up the phone or tablet
Step 2: Put Legos Wide Enough for Phone/tablet
Next, you'll need to space your legos enough that it will fit between them. Make sure it's not too wide or your phone will aim downward (unless that's what you want).
Step 3: Build Your Legos High and Wide Enough
you will need to build up your legos high enough so that the device doesn't fall out of the stand and wide enough that the device doesn't break the legos off the stand. you may need to put extra layers of legos if you device is heavy. You may need to adjust the spacing between the legos if the phone/tablet doesn't fit or it's too wide.
Step 4: Finished!
It's as easy as that! now you've got a decent stand for your phone to record or take pictures steadily