Introduction: Lego Basketbrick Game

I call this piece of work "basketbrick", it is not used with a mini basketball, instead it uses a 2x2 brick!

This is part of a little series I am working on seeing as I have access to some Lego.

When the series is finished I will compile it into a collection.

I am truly sorry about the photos, I only have a HTC desire to take photos with - when you have better cameras with better focuses you can take better photos.

Anyway, lets get on to the construction.

P.S. If you can't follow the instructions, always remember that all my Lego instructables have a LDD file of the model included that you can download,view and modify.

Step 1: Section 1.1

Like the Skeeball machine (link opens in new tab), this can be pulled apart into three pieces for easier building.

This is section 1.1

This section gives you an overview of the part you will be making.

In section 1.2 I will show you how to make the shooter.

Step 2: Section 1.2.1

This section is about the shooter, I hope the photos are good enough to get you started and please note this is only half the shooter.

The yellow part of the shooter uses two 1x6's and two 1x2's, it also uses a wheel hub*

* I am using old Lego so you may not have the wheel hub that I use as the pivot point, If that is the case, download the LDD file as I will show you a way around it.

Step 3: Section 1.2.2

This shows you how to make the base/stand for the shooter.

It is very simple, you have to remember to press the bricks together tightly otherwise they might break mid-shot.

This goes onto the first 10x20 base, (remember I am using old Lego so if you are using newer Lego you may not have the base).

There is not much to say about this so I will leave the photos to explain it.

Step 4: Section 1.3

This shows you the layout of the first of the three 10x20 panels.

It is simple, make sure that you add the two 1x4's and the two 2x4's, they hold section 1 and 2 together, if you want you can add more "holding pieces" to make it stronger and kid-friendly.

Step 5: Section 2.1

There is only one thing to say here; make sure you center the 1x8 brick!

You will know if it is centered or not when you start to play it.

Step 6: Section 2.2

This shows you how the two sections join, make sure to press the joins tight or they may come apart.

Note the text box please.

Step 7: Section 3.1

This is just an overview of section 3.

You do not need the black 6x10 plate but it does hold sections two and three together better than if you left it out.

Step 8: Section 3.2

This is the backboard, it is fairly simple and you can modify it to your liking.

There are two rules I followed when making the backboard; #1. keep the backboard at the most 2 studs wider than the hoop. #2. If you use columns of 1x2's, make sure to cap the top with 2x4's to hold it together.

I tried (and succeeded) to make the backboard symmetrical, in my opinion it looks better overall.

Step 9: Section 3.3

This is the piece that connects the backboard to the hoop.

It is the simplest part of the model and uses only 7 bricks.

Step 10: Section 3.4

This is the hoop.

The hoop is the most complicated piece, it is hard to explain with words and I am hoping I have taken good enough photos so you can replicate it.

I have kept it symmetrical to make it easier for you to build.

Remember, if you cant build it, go to the last step where I have included a LDD file of the whole model.

Step 11: Section 3.5

This particular piece uses a lot of bricks, it is the part that connects the hoop and the backboard with section 3.

Please note in the first picture, the bottom yellow 2x4 sticks out a bit, the back is not hollow, it has a white 1x4.

This was done to increase the strength of the wall a little bit.

Step 12: Section 3.6

This is the base of section 3.

I will mention the 6x10 plate, you do not NEED this plate but it does help with connecting the sections 2 and 3.

It is simple and there are no catches to mention here.

Step 13: Section 3.7

This is what you get when you combine all of section 3.

Step 14: Section 4

This is an overview of the three sections diss-assembled, they all fit together to make the half-court.

Step 15: The Basketbrick

This is all I use for a "thing to flick" and I call it a basketbrick...

It is simple to make, it takes about .5 milliseconds to make 1 of these at Lego factory.

In the LDD file, I have made the flicker with a turntable, LDD does not support the old Lego I am using so the model is in all new Lego.

The three 10x20's are old as well, for them I have used 90 2x10's.