Introduction: Lego Flak 88mm Anti-aircraft Gun
in this instructable i will be telling you how to build a lego flak 88mm anti-aircraft turret also this is only my second instructable yada yada yada...
Step 1: The Barrel
First find 5 of those cylindrical block things and push them together
Step 2: The Next Bit
find one stud and a double sided thing (see picture)
Step 3: The Double Underneath Thing
find two tubes two studs two connector peg studs and a two to one plate (assemble as shown)
Step 4: Attaching Them
find a 2x1 plate and assemble as shown
Step 5: The Rear Bit
(now the names are making sense) find parts and assemble.
(see) again find parts and assemble
Step 7: The Legs 1
find parts clip sliders on end of the six long thing (MAKE FOUR OF THESE)
Step 8: The Legs 2
find flat thing then put on legs then spinner then 2x2 plate then 2x2 round thing
Step 9: The Base
find and assemble (you dont have to use the same fence thing but put something along the lines of that in
Step 10: Elevation Mechanisem
assemble as shown
Step 11: Attachment!
pretty self explanetory
Step 12: Bullet Shield Mount
again assemble as shown
Step 13: Bullet Shield
again find and assemble
Step 14: Bullet Shield 2
put some decor on the front of camo or some flat plates
Step 15: CONNECTION!!!
clip the rotating clip things to the other ones
Step 16: Assembiliy
clip the front of the base to the middle of the bullet shield also clip the front two studs of the gun to the two to one plate things
Step 17: Assembly 2
do as shown
Step 18: Assembily 3
do this
Step 19: Assembily 4
this is pretty strait foward
Step 20: Ammo
this is how you make the ammo for the flak 88
Step 21: DONE!!!
and there you have it one German flak 88 millimeter anti aircraft gun!!!