Introduction: Lego Like Head With Popcorn Box
I bought yesterday a popcorn box and it cost me a packet! I was gutted but hopefully, the popcorn was good !
So I decided to recycle this huge empty popcorn box to a lego like head with few paint and old black tights.
Nothing more :)
Let's see steps ->
So I decided to recycle this huge empty popcorn box to a lego like head with few paint and old black tights.
Nothing more :)
Let's see steps ->
Step 1: The Original Popcorn Box
I paid 10$ for that so I decided to recycle it :)
First I cut holes for eyes and the mouth !
Then put a first coat of white and then a coat of yellow and it is nearly done :)
First I cut holes for eyes and the mouth !
Then put a first coat of white and then a coat of yellow and it is nearly done :)
Step 2: Stick Tights
Put glue on the inside of the box and apply the cut tigths fitted to holes.
Step 3: Lego Like Head Done !
Tou can use a scarf to hide the bottom of your head :)
It is fun, cheap and easy !
It is fun, cheap and easy !