Introduction: Lemonator! 3D Printed Juice Squeezer of Awesomeness *updated*
*Again by the great community I was able to print my design with help of a great man: Multimaker!
He printed my design on his 3D printer. You should definitely check out his channel on youtube!*
Do you know that feeling when only thing you want to do is just take a sip of cold lemonade? We all know it... But I am always out of lemonade when I need it! However making lemonade can be messy... You have to squeeze lemons, pour the juice to bottle, add sugar... or put it on a glass and use it just like a regular squeezer!
I came up with an idea that can save you some time and allow to make the process a little bit faster. Lemonator is the bottle add-on that allow you to squeeze lemon juice directly into the bottle! Then add some sugar and you have bottle of lemonade! I prefer to add some fresh mint to it, it is even more refreshing!
This is quite unique design. It can be made in one piece only by 3D printing. The other molding methods will require two parts that are glued together or other complex action.
This instructable takes part in two contest, if you like my idea please consider pressing Vote button :) Thank you!
26.05.2015: Instructable was mentioned at by Mitch Free, yay!
02.06.2015: Guys from Omni Dynamics Printed Lemonator with their Strooder filament! It looks awesome! Check out the video at their instagram!
Step 1: Design Process
The key feature of my design is that you can put the whole thing on the bottle and let the juice flow directly into the bottle. I tried to figure out the dimensions to fit the neck of the bottle nicely.
Whole shape was designed by me, however I had inspiration in similar product that i saw on the Internet. I made only one quick drawing which you can see on the photo. It was in the middle of the night - I have always some paper and pencil, just in case I have idea.
Now in version 1.4 it supports a lot more bottles due to the new design!
The main problem in 3D printed stuff is... well... 3D printing. I had to avoid overhangs that are more than 45 degrees. Considering a fact that my design have some internal structure that would be difficult to clean from support material. However printing on ultimaker shows that everything goes fine and there are no overhangs that you should be worried about!
Step 2: 3D Model
Here you can download 3D model. These my recommendations on printing:
- use ABS plastic
- After printing it try to make it a little bit more smooth using acetone vapor or similiar method. But be careful and let the acetone fully evaporate from plastic before using it.
- use highest layer height you can for the best results - I reccomend at least 0.3mm layer height-infill should be around 10% but as always - more is better
Estimated print time: 3h:22m:6s With settings:
0.3mm layer height
2 outter shells
10% infill
60mm/s speed
258 layers generated
You can download files also at Pinshape - here I am also available to hire there so if you want a 3D model for your project just contact me there.
Step 3: 3D Printed Model!
Thanks to Multimaker (go and check his awesome videos!) The prints came out really nicely!! However there are differences in the dimensions of the bottles and he couldn't fit it on any bottle(till now!)... However I will add fittings that will make it suitable for any bottle!
Stay tuned and send me dimensions of the inner and outer diameter of your bottle's neck! I will try to make a fitting for anybody! *UPDATE* New design uploaded! Enjoy!
This print was done on Ultimaker 2 with following settings:
- 0.8 mm nozzle
- 0.2mm layerheight
- 1.6mm shell
- 1mm bottom/top
- 20% infill
- 70mm/s
- material used: Colorfabb Signal Yellow PLA/PHA
My design printed well even without support material!
Step 4: That Is All Folks!
Thank you for being with me and spending time on reading this instructable.
I hope you will print lemonator for yourself and use it ;) If you do, please spend a while uploading photos by clicking "I made it" button it is always motivating for me when I see people follow my instructables.
Just to be notified about what is currently going on with my projects you can follow me on twitter @KonradSzmit fell free to say Hi there ;)
You can also hire me at Pinshape - I can make 3D models for your projects!
by kondzio29