Introduction: Let's Assemble an Adafruit Motor Shield
You know how some people play games on youtube while you watch? I thought it would be more helpful to make things on youtube while you watch.
Soldering a through-hole circuit board or PCB can seem intimidating with all the different parts and the amount of work involved. I'm here to show you all it takes is a little patience and a good sound track.
This is an Adafruit Motor Shield, perfect for roboty goodness. I use one in my mural drawing robot, two in my indoor skycam, and I have plans to use three in a bigger project down the road.
Soldering a through-hole circuit board or PCB can seem intimidating with all the different parts and the amount of work involved. I'm here to show you all it takes is a little patience and a good sound track.
This is an Adafruit Motor Shield, perfect for roboty goodness. I use one in my mural drawing robot, two in my indoor skycam, and I have plans to use three in a bigger project down the road.